Function objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor

  • The objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor() method returns an object describing the configuration of a specific property on a given object (that is, one directly present on an object and not in the object's prototype chain). The object returned is mutable but mutating it has no effect on the original property's configuration.


    • target: any

      Object that contains the property.

    • prop: PropertyKey

      Name of the property.

    Returns PropertyDescriptor

    A property descriptor of the given property if it exists on the object, otherwise undefined.




    o = {};
    objDefineProp(o, 'qux', {
    value: 8675309,
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false
    d = objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'qux');
    // d is {
    // value: 8675309,
    // writable: false,
    // enumerable: false,
    // configurable: false
    // }

    objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor('foo', 0);
    // TypeError: "foo" is not an object // ES5 code

    objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor('foo', 0);
    // Object returned by ES2015 code: {
    // configurable: false,
    // enumerable: true,
    // value: "f",
    // writable: false
    // }

    Note: In ES5, if the first argument to this method is not an object (a primitive), then it will cause a TypeError. In ES2015, a non-object first argument will be coerced to an object at first.