Function makeGlobRegex

  • Create a simple glob style regular expression from the string value, converting '**', '*' and '?' characters. Unlike createFilenameRegex the '*' and '?' will NOT match folder seperator characters '/' and '\'. If the source string contains folder seperators both '/' and '\' are treated as synonomous Each wildcard match will be captured as it's own group. The supported matching values are

    • '**' Matches any characters zero or more times include folder seperators '/' or '\'
    • '*' Matches any characters zero or more times, except '/' or '\'
    • '?' Matches any single character once only, except '/' or '\'
    • '/' Matches either '/' or '\' character, not captured as a group
    • '\' Matches either '/' or '\' character, not captured as a group


    • value: string

      The string value to converted.

    • OptionalignoreCase: boolean

      Flag to indicate whether the regular expression should be case-sensitive, Defaults to false.

    • OptionalfullMatch: boolean

      Flag to identify whether the RegExp should be wrapped with '^' and '$' to incidate match the entire string only.

    Returns RegExp

    The new Regular Expression created from the provided value.


    let regex = makeGlobRegex("src\\**\\*.ts");

    let matches = regex.exec("Hello");
    matches; // null

    let matches = regex.exec("Src/index.ts");
    matches; // null - Specify the ignoreCase if you want this to match

    let matches = regex.exec("src/index.ts");
    matches[0]; // "src/index.ts"
    matches[1]; // undefined;
    matches[2]; // "index"

    let matches = regex.exec("src\\index.ts");
    matches[0]; // "src\\index.ts"
    matches[1]; // undefined;
    matches[2]; // "index"

    let matches = regex.exec("src/helpers/regexp.ts");
    matches[0]; // "src/helpers/regexp.ts"
    matches[1]; // "helpers/"
    matches[2]; // "regexp"

    let matches = regex.exec("src\\helpers/regexp.ts");
    matches[0]; // "src\\helpers/regexp.ts"
    matches[1]; // "helpers/"
    matches[2]; // "regexp"

    let matches = regex.exec(" src/index.tsx ");
    matches[0]; // "src/index.ts"
    matches[1]; // undefined
    matches[2]; // "index"

    let matches = regex.exec(" src/helpers/regexp.ts. ");
    matches[0]; // "src/helpers/regexp.ts"
    matches[1]; // "helpers/"
    matches[2]; // "regexp"]);