Function createProxyFuncs

  • Creates proxy functions on the target which internally will call the source version with all arguments passed to the target method.

    Type Parameters

    • T
    • H


    • target: T

      The target object to be assigned with the source properties and functions

    • host: H | (() => H)

      The host instance or a function to return the host instance which contains the functions and will be assigned as the this for the function being called.

    • funcDefs: ProxyFunctionDef<T, H>[]

      An array of function definitions on how each named function will be proxied onto the target.

    Returns T

    The original target after all proxies have been assigned




    let test = {
    x: 21,
    func1() {
    return this.x;

    test.func1(); // 21
    let newTarget = createProxyFuncs({} as any, test, [
    { n: "func1" },
    { n: "func1", as: "aliasFn" }

    newTarget.func1(); // 21
    newTarget.aliasFn(); // 21

    newTarget.x = 42;

    // The return is still using the `this.x` from the original `test` as it's proxied
    newTarget.func1(); // 21
    newTarget.aliasFn(); // 21

    let getHostFn = () => {
    return test;

    newTarget = createProxyFuncs({} as any, getHostFn, [
    { n: "func1" },
    { n: "func1", as: "aliasFn" }

    newTarget.func1(); // 21
    newTarget.aliasFn(); // 21

    newTarget.x = 42;

    // The return is still using the `this.x` from the original `test` as it's proxied
    newTarget.func1(); // 21
    newTarget.aliasFn(); // 21